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2015.10.20 21:33:48

Report European Central Bank: Every Greek lost 17.000 € and made the Germans richest

The Irish and the Greeks are the ones who suffered the greatest losses in relation to their individual wealth of any country in the euro zone during the period 2009-2013, with the Germans and the Dutch appear to be the most to gain from policy memoranda and redistributing the wealth of Europe,

according to new data from the European Central Bank (ECB).

Analyzing the period 2009-2013, ECB experts found that Ireland has lost more than 18,000 euros per person and Spain about 13,000 euros.
The Greeks saw their personal wealth to decline by about 17,000 euros.
By contrast, the Netherlands and Germany, the per capita wealth increased by 33,000 euros and 19,000 euros respectively,

partly due to increased financial investment this time.
The figures reflect major differences among the euro area countries, points out Reuters. Presenting the data this way,

the ECB acknowledges the differences, though, as noted by the agency, there is little that can be done by the central bank to correct them.

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